Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jom Conteng Dinding

Masa kecik-kecik dulu siapa suka conteng dinding angkat tangan! Di sini aku nak buat pengakuan, aku antara pelukis *mural* tak bermoral conteng dinding rumah masa kecik. Huhu. sampai sekarang, cita-cita aku kalau ada rumah, aku nak conteng tangga rumah aku. Nak buat macam graffiti camtu. Berangan. Hihi.

Nasiblah mak aku tak marah teruk atas perbuatan aku tu. Kalau tak, tidaklah saya menjadi seorang *designer*, kan mak? Huhu. Mungkin pelukis dari British bernama Charlotte Mann ni juga suka conteng dinding masa kecil. Tengoklah hasilnya sekarang....

Cantikkan? Lukisan dinding ini dilukis menggunakan pen marker berdakwat tebal dalam skala 1:1. Lukisan dinding yang dihasilkannya juga nampak dalam bentuk 3 dimensi atau 3D walaupun sebenarnya dilukis di atas permukaan rata berwarna putih dalam 2D. Berapa banyak penlah dia gunakan agaknya ya?

*Agak creepy tengok orang-orang ni.*

Monday, April 25, 2011

I DO (Love You!)

Oh, internet sangat lembab hari ini! Nak main Scrabble kat Facebook  pun tak boleh. Hari ni aku post lagu jelah kat blog ya. (Mood jiwang tiba-tiba.♥)

It's always been about me, myself, and I 
I thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time 
I never wanted to be anybody's other half 
I was happy saying I had a love that wouldn't last 
That was the only way I knew 'til I met you 

You make we wanna say 
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 
Cause every time before it's been like 
Maybe yes and maybe no 
I can't live without it, I can't let it go 
Ooh what did I get myself into? 
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do 

Tell me is it only me 
Do you feel the same? 
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games 
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down 
You can trust I've never felt it like I feel it now 
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through 

So can we say 
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 
Cause every time before it's been like 
Maybe yes and maybe no 
I won't live without it, I won't let it go 
What more can I get myself into? 
You make we wanna say 

Me, a family, a house, a family 
Ooh, can we be a family? 
And when I'm eighty years old I'm sitting next to you 

And we'll remember when we said 
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do 
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do 
Cause every time before it's been like 
Maybe yes and maybe no 
I won't live without it, I won't let us go 
Just look at what we got ourselves into 
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, 
Love you

Siapa rasa lagu ni sangat sweet angkat tangan! Huhu. Sempena perkahwinan Putera William & pasangannya Kate Middleton yang bakal disiarkan secara langsung di ASTRO, asyik lagu ni je terpasang dalam iklan untuk promote wedding mereka. Lama-lama sedap pulak dengar. Hihi.

P/s: I Do him. ^_^